Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Central Java Traditional Dance

Central Java Traditional Dance - In the island of Java in Indonesia is still famous mystical feel. In the area of ​​the provinces, too, is still strong community holds mystical cultures. So also in the case of a lot of art-related cultural products or relating to things beyond reason. Like the Central Java Traditional Dance that is often called the Dancing Serimpi. Serimpi dance is a type of dance in Central Java. This dance is performed by four dancers all of whom are women. This amount adjusts the meaning of the word "serimpi" itself that has meaning 4. According Kanjeng Brongtodiningrat, the composition of the formation of four dancers as a symbol of the four winds direction that Toya (water), Grama (flame), Wind (air) and the earth (ground). While the name of the role is Batak, Gulu, Dhada and Buncit a pole symbolizes verandah.

Name serimpi themselves by Dr. Priyono associated with the root word "dream" or a dream. Shades of various graceful dance movements serimpi which lasted approximately 1 hour until it was considered to have magical powers capable of bringing the audience into another world (the dream). According to legend, the emergence of Central Java Traditional Dance Serimpi originated from the heyday of the kingdom of Mataram, when Sultan Agung ruled between 1613-1646. And this dance is sacred dansakral because only displayed in the palace as a state until memorial ritual Up Throne Sultan.


Central Java Traditional Dance

But in the years around 1775, when the Mataram kingdom broke into two, namely the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the Sultanate of Surakarta, Central Java Traditional Dance Serimpi later went broke is also divided into two streams that style of Yogyakarta Sultanate and the Sultanate of Surakarta style. Dance Serimpi in Yogyakarta Sultanate classified into Serimpi Babul screen, Serimpi Dhempel, Serimpi Genjung. While in the Sultanate of Surakarta classified into Serimpi Anglir overcast and Serimpi Bondan.

As a classical dance at the palace in Yogyakarta, Serimpi Dance has become a noble art and considered a heritage palace. The themes displayed on Central Java Traditional Dance Serimpi tell dispute between two opposites that is between good and bad, right and wrong, the human mind and human passion. Expression in the dance battle is evident in the same movement of the two pairs of soldiers backed properties such weapons include a small dagger or cundrik, jebeng, spears, and guns jemparing.

Costume or clothing that is used for staging Central Java Traditional Dance is a wedding dress with the daughter of the Sultan's Palace and the bight dodotan bowl as motif headdress. But with changing times have switched to using "fabric seredan" and a sleeveless shirt with frilled headdress cassowary feathers and flower ornaments bun with fried egg and jebehan.

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